Yesterday we watched the 9 and 12 session of the Cebu temple dedication and it was like I hadn't eaten food for a month and then someone walked up to me and gave me one scrumptious spoonful of hot chicken alfredo from Olive Garden and then walked away-leaving me even more hungry than before. I love the temple so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do "love to see the temple, I'll go inside someday!!!!" To think that I will go to the Manila temple makes me want to hurry up the months until then. President Monson was so....haha i cant explain it..!! He seemed like this old cowboy in the middle of all these dark cebuano speaking philippinos...like I said, I can't really explain it but it was so great. He and about 6 others mortared the cornerstone, then he played the piano a little bit, he kept saying, "Oh, that was terrible..!" Sister Farnworth was about gonna die of laughter at almost everything he said. Everything was in english. So, too bad for everybody but foreigners. Before and after the dedication they played this amazing video taping of a bunch of temples and it was sooooo peaceful. In a world of heckticity (ahhahahaha haha I just made that up, but I kinda like it though) we have a temple.
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