Sunday, June 12, 2011

Teaching Sunday School again...

This week once again I taught Sunday School, but my testimony was reaffirmed about a few principles. First, the importance of forgiveness. How often are we offended and refuse to forgive? Frequently and most of the time we are offended for little things that are foolish! Well, at least for me. Christ was willing to be beatean, spit upon, and cruficied and found in his heart the courage to forgive others. Forigiveness is a bitter thorn in our heart. I need to not be offended and forgive more often. I also relearned the importance of repentance. The prodigal son didn’t come back to his father until he was as far as he could go. We should repent as soon as we realize we are sinning. Family I love you and I ask for a special favor. Pray that I will finish stronger and I that I will work harder than I ever have in my entire life!!! I love you and I am proud to be your son, brother, nephew, grandson, cousin, and friend. Keep your head up!!!!!! And keep the fire burning!

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