Monday, February 15, 2010

Josh's 2-15-10 e-mail

Yesterday was kinda interesing for church. It was good-just interesting in some parts…haha. In the morning we played ¨Where´s the investigator?¨ We went to all of their houses and not one came to church! We ended up having one, but that is because she became new yesterday…Then the 2nd counselor in the bisophric came and asked me to give a talk on missionary work. I said yes, but I wasn´t prepared. I gave my talk in stutters and didn´t speak very well. It taught me a really important lesson about how we need to be prepared always!!! Karla and Miguel are doing really well. Well…except yesterday they didn´t come to church, but we are going to talk about the importante of church tommorow with them! Anyways, Miguel and Karla love my last name. When we are in their house with them, they always say ¨ hey dustin! ¨ What do you like to eat dustin?¨ Does everyone in your family have blue eyes dustin?¨ What do you think dustin?¨ Miguel even gave me a hat! They are my examples of charity! We taught them how to recognize the spirit. Afterwards Miguel and Karla commented and I realized I needed to learn from them how to recognize the Holy Ghost!

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