Sunday, February 13, 2011

Josh's 2-7-11 e-mail

Friday night we were finishing Family Home Evening and we were about to lock the door when a young women showed up and said she needed to talk to us. Surprised we went and talked with her. I guess before she was very active in the church, but to due to her boyfriend of 4 years had gone inactive trying to please him. Realizing her mistake she ran to the church building and wanted to talk with us. She said a phrase that stuck in my mind,¨ I needed to talk to somebody who had the spirit and I knew that you would.¨ We gave her a few words of advice, we said a prayer, and she was fine. We are helping her come back to the gospel, but she does want to change. What this young women said shocked me in a way and help me gain a testimony that all times I have to have the spirit. Not only as a missionary, but the question is are we living all that we can to have the Holy Spirit? People will come and ask for help from you and we have to be prepared.

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