Monday, October 18, 2010

Josh's 10-11-10 E-mail

I woke up Thursday morning with a 100 degree fever. I wanted to work, but didn´t know what medicine to take so just went to District Meeting believing the fever would pass by. Well, Surprise! It didn´t! hahahhaa. That night we passed a member family who had me sit down for about two hours, fed me, cared for me, gave me medicine, and sent me to the pension to sleep. The next day I still had a fever, but I wanted to work, so I took Ibuprofen and left to work. During the day, I kept wondering, ¨Should I go back and rest? I´m sure tired....¨ But I kept telling myself no, you only have a couple of hours go. At this time I said a prayer in my heart asking for the help of Heavenly Father to help go on. Throughout the day, I was still weak, I was still very tired, but I felt somebody was lifting me up. I believe if I had different eyes, I would be surprised to find angels next to me. I know Angels exist today. I am re-cooperating still from the fever, but it is getting lower and lower every day. Thank you for being angels to me.

Melanie's comment: This story doesn't surprise me. On the rare occasions that Josh has actually been sick in his life, he has never wanted to stop. I would have to absolutely insist that he stay home from school because he would not ever give in to being 'sick'.

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