Monday, October 4, 2010

Josh's 9-27 E-mail

We found three young women. Their older brother was recently baptized and I guess he is trying to share it with his entire family. Great missionary, huh? Their names are Paola, Danielle, and Abigail. Our second lesson was really neat. I shared my expierience about prayer. I have always known the church was true, but at the age or 14 I needed to know more profoundly that these things were true. After reading Joseph Smith´s experience I said a prayer, and afterwards I felt that these things were true. I could not deny the feeling I felt, only truth. The spirit filled our room and it was beautiful. I looked at the faces of Paola, Danielle, and Abigail and you could tell they were feeling something different, but a good different. They went to church and we are planning for their baptism the 23 of October. They seem excited and ready to learn. Truly the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives.

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