Sunday, April 24, 2011

Josh's 4-17 e-mail

Hey, Family and Friends! Let's just say that suprises never end in the mission field! Sunday we went to church and we waited for President Marchetti….and we waited….and we waited! Members came, investigators came, and President did not show up! A couple minutes later the wife of President shows up….with the keys…and no president! Who are the counselors of President? The missionaries. And who is the first counselor? I felt extremely nervous as I directed Sacrament meeting! The Lord helped me and calmed my soul. I was the first one to receive the sacrament and I directed everything! I felt extremley, extremley humbled and I said a prayer of gratitude the entire sacrament meeting! In the end I ended up teaching Sunday School to the youth and priesthood to all the men. The Lord helps us in every moment, if we allow him to be part of our lives.

President Marchetti and his wife changed houses this week and we being the missionaries and loving service, we helped them move. I was so grateful that you, Mom and Dad, taught me how to work! During our moving process President Marchetti lifted part of a computer table. As he lifted the table it broke and fell to the ground bringing the entire table to the ground in the process. Everytime they had gone to wash the floor, part of the water got stuck underneath the table slowing rotting the table without the knowledge of anybody. The table crumbled easily and without any strength. All President had to do was touch the table and it fell. Satan works by putting little sins in our path and in the end we fall. We fall easily. Obviously if the Marchetti family knew the damage the water would do they would have moved their table! Watch out for that dangerous water! It rots and it destroys!

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