Family!! This week has been full of adjusting, but has been great. Sister Insong seems like she's been a missionary for a long time. She worked in Cebu and helped with the dedication, and talks about how beaufitul it is. I have an assignment for all of you..Will you figure out exactly how much it costs you to get to your nearest temple? A huge blessing is that I am so close to....I can't even COUNT how many temples at home!!!!!!! The pesos that these families have to save over years is eye can we take for granted our temples!!! How many, just in Utah??? How many of us live in Utah??? Please, GO to the temple! It's so exciting to help those on the other side! I love all of you and I hope that you are reading the Book of Mormon like it's life or death, 'cause it is. Our spiritual death, a life without the spirit, can come quicker than we think! I love the scriptures!!!!!
Melanie's comment: I had to look on the church website to make sure I counted correctly-There are 13 operating temples just in Utah. That truly is amazing. There are two being built-Payson and Brigham City. There will be 73 in the United States after the 7 under construction are completed. If you get on and go to temples and look at the map, temples truly dot the earth. When Lorenzo Snow was the prophet, there were only four temples, and all of them were in Utah. He knew that one day temples would dot the earth. In 1899, he prophesied, “The time will come when there will be Temples established over every portion of the land.”
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