Sunday, September 12, 2010

The District

I don´t know if you return missionaries have seen the district, which is filming missionaries to do a certain principle and afterwards we are supposed to apply it. Well, The District 2 just came out and it is awesome! As I was watching the video I remembered something. Not every 19 young man or 21 young women has the chance to give up their life for a period of time for our Savior Jesus Christ. This time is more than important, it is sacred. As I was thinking about this, another point came into my head. Missionary work is not just for 2 years, but for a lifetime. When we are in our ward we are supposed to always be activating our brothers and sisters who have gone away, looking for opportunities to share the gospel, and always maintain our highest conduct so people will see that we are different. Missionary Work is a lifetime work.

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